时间:2021-03-03 | 来源:
张菊平,教授,博士生导师,York University博士后,主要从事传染病的数学建模、分析及防控研究。主要研究方向复杂网络上传染病的传播机理及数学分析,媒介疾病(蚊媒疾病)的数学建模和动力学分析,性病(艾滋病),及禽流感等。在《Mathematical Biosciences》,《Journal of Theoretical Biology》,《Bulletin of Mathematical Biology》,《Journal of Biological Dynamics》等期刊发表论文30余篇,SCI收录20余篇。
主持国家基金项目3项,其中面上项目1项,山西省自然科学基金2项,山西省回国留学基金1项,参与国家基金重点项目及山西省高等学校优势学科攀升计划各1 项
1. 2006年,“传染病动力系统与脉冲种群动力系统的研究”获山西省高等学校科技进步一等奖
2. 2007年,“常微分方程课程内容、体系及计算机应用的研究”获山西省教学成果一等奖;(排名第三)
3. 2007年,“高等数学内容体系与教学方法改革的探索与实践”获山西省教学成果二等奖;(排名第三)
4. 2010年,获得山西省科学技术奖(自然科学类)一等奖(排名第四)
5. 2010年,完成省级鉴定1项, 结论是国际先进(排名第二)
6. 2016年,获山西省高等学校优秀成果(自然科学类)二等奖(排名第二):网络传染病动力学的建模与疾病控制研究
7. 指导全国大学生数学建模竞赛获一等奖和二等奖
1. Zhen Jin, Shuping Li, Xiaoguang Zhang, Juping Zhang, Xiao-Long Peng. Epidemiological modeling on complex networks. Chapter 3 of the book: Jinhu Lü et al. (eds), Complex Systems and Networks - Dynamics, Controls, and Applications. Publisher: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, (2015) pp: 51-77.
1. Juping Zhang, Chris Cosner, Huaiping Zhu, Two-patch model for the spread of West Nile virus, Bull Math Biol , 80 (4) :840-863, 2018.
2. Juping Zhang,Chan Yang,Zhen Jin,Jia Li,Dynamics analysis of SIR epidemic model with correlation coefficients and clustering coefficient in networks, J Theor Biol, 449:1-13, 2018.
3. Juping Zhang, Zhen Jin, Huaiping Zhu, Birds movement impact on the transmission of West Nile virus between patches, J Appl Anal Comput, 8(2), 443-456, 2018.
4. Yanru Yao, Juping Zhang*, A two-strain epidemic model on complex networks with demographics, J Biol Syst, 23( 4): 1-33, 2016.
5. Juping Zhang, Zhen Jin, Yuming Chen, Analysis of sexually transmitted disease spreading in heterosexual and homosexual populations, Mathematical Biosciences, 242(2), 143-152, 2013.
6. Juping Zhang, Zhen Jin, Epidemic spreading on complex networks with community structure,Applied Mathematics and Computation, 219( 6), 2829 -2838, 2012.
7. Juping Zhang, Zhen Jin,The analysis of an epidemic model on networks, Applied Mathematics and Computation,217:7053-7064, 2011.
8. Zhen Jin, Juping Zhang, Lipeng Song, Guiquan Sun, Jianli Kan, Huaiping Zhu, Modeling and analysis of influenza A(H1N1) on networks, BMC Public Health, 11:S9, 2011.
9. Juping Zhang, Zhen Jin, Discrete time SI and SIS epidemic models with vertical transmission,Journal of Biological Systems, 17 (2):201-212, 2009.
10. Wenjun Jing, Zhen Jin, Juping Zhang, An SIR pairwise epidemic model with infection age and demography, Journal of Biological Dynamics, 12 (1) :486-508, 2018.