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时间:2020-07-11 | 来源:


姓名:靳祯,二级教授(博士生导师), 主要研究方向为:生物数学与复杂网络。培养研究生120余名,其中博士研究生30余名,有2人入选国家国家级人才。














4、国家重点研发计划重点专项-子课题,畜禽重大疫防控与高效安全养殖综合技术研发 ,种畜场口蹄疫净化技术集成与示范,2016年7月-2020年12月,项目编号:2016YFD0501500。

5、国家自然科学基金重点项目“复杂网络传播动力学的数学分析”, 主持人:靳祯,时间:2014-2018,项目编号:11331009。




9、国家自然科学基金“具有脉冲效应的传染病模型研究”,主持人:靳祯,时间:2005.1-2007.12 项目编号:10471040。



1. 山西省重点研发项目,项目名称:新型冠状病毒流行规模及干预评估,主持人:靳祯,时间:2020-2022,项目编号:202003D31011/GZ

2. 1331工程项目,项目名称:生物动力学与数据驱动的慢病智能诊疗,主持人:靳祯,时间:2020.1-2020.12。

3. 山西省科技创新团队,项目名称:传染病传播及防控山西省科技创新团队运行奖补,负责人:靳祯,时间:2018年12月-2021年12月,项目编号:201805D131012-1。

4. 山西省科技厅重点研发计划(社会发展)项目,项目名称:面向脑卒中患者的远程康复大数据云平台研发与示范应用,主持人:靳祯,时间:2018.12-2021.12,项目编号:201803D31032。

5. 山西省科技基础条件平台,名称:山西省动物疫病科学数据共享服务平台运行补助, 负责人:靳祯,项目编号:201705D121019-4,时间:2017年07月-2019年06月。

6. 山西省科技创新团队,名称:传染病传播及防控,山西省科技创新培育团队运行补助,负责人:靳祯,项目编号:201705D131028-5,时间:2017年07月-2019年12月。

7. 山西省重点实验室,名称:疾病防控的数学技术与大数据分析山西省重点实验室,英文名称:Shanxi Key Laboratory of Mathematical Techniques and Big Data Analysis on Disease Control and Prevention,实验室主任:靳祯,项目编号:201705D111006, 时间:2017年07月-2019年6月。

8. 山西省基础条件平台,名称:山西省动物群发病科技数据服务共享平台,  负责人:靳祯,项目编号:201605D121014,时间:2016年07月-2018年06月,

9. 山西省科技创新团队,名称:传染病传播及防控,山西省科技创新培育团队运行补助,负责人:靳祯, 项目编号:201605D131044-06  时间:2016年07月-2018年12月。

10.山西省科技基础条件平台,名称:山西省动物群发病科技数据服务共享平台, 负责人:靳祯,时间:2015年07月-2016年06月。

11.山西省科技创新团队,名称:传染病传播及防控,山西省科技创新培育团队, 负责人:靳祯,时间:2015年07月-2016年06月。

12.山西省高等学校优秀创新团队, 负责人:靳祯。


14.2013年山西省回国留学人员重点科研资助项目计划(英文Research Project Supported by Shanxi Scholarship Council of China)“布鲁氏菌病传播动力学特征分析及其应用”,主持人:靳祯,时间:2013.1-2015.12,项目编号:2013-重点3。






20.山西省回国留学人员科研项目“基于复杂网络的传染病模型研究”(Research Project Supported by Shanxi Scholarship Council of China), 主持人:靳祯,时间:2010-2013,编号:2010-074。



23.教育部新世纪人才资助计划“复杂生物系统研究”,主持人:靳祯,时间:2006.1-2008.12,项目编号:NCET050271,Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University(050271)。




1. 2022年获得山西省科学技术奖(自然科学类)一等奖:复杂网络上的传染病传播动力学,负责人;

2. 2016年获得山西省优秀研究生导师称号;

3. 2015年获得山西省科技厅优秀创新团队带头人;

4. 2014年获得教育部高等学校优秀成果(自然科学类)二等奖:种群及其传染病时空演化动力学理论及方法,负责人;

5. 2012年获得山西省高等学校中青年拔尖创新人才称号;

6. 2011年获得山西省五一劳动奖章;

7. 2010年获得山西省科学技术奖(自然科学类)一等奖:复杂生物系统动力学性态研究,负责人;

8. 2008年享受国务院政府特殊津贴;

9. 2007年入选山西省“新世纪学术技术带头人333人才工程”省级人选;

10. 2007年获得全国优秀教师称号;

11. 2005年教育部新世纪优秀人才计划资助;

12. 2005年获得山西省教学名师称号;

13. 2004年获得山西省高等学校青年学科带头人称号;

14. 2003年获得山西省科技进步奖(自然科学类)二等奖:非线性种群动力系统的研究,负责人。







1. Wei Gou, Zhen Jin. Understanding the epidemiological patterns in spatial networks. Nonlinear Dynamics. 2021, 106(1): 1059-1082.

2. Ren Huarong, Li Mingtao, Wang Youming, Jin Zhen, Zhang Juan. The risk factor assessment of the spread of foot-and-mouth disease in mainland China. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 2021,512:110558.

3. Haitao Song, Zhongwei Jia, Zhen Jin, Shengqiang Liu. Estimation of COVID-19 outbreak size in Harbin, China. Nonlinear Dynamics. 2021,1-9.

4. Asamoah Joshua Kiddy K, Jin Zhen, Sun Guiquan, Baba Seidud, Ernest Yanksone, Afeez Abidemif, F. T. Odurog, Stephen E. Mooree, Eric okyere. Sensitivity assessment and optimal economic evaluation of a new COVID-19 compartmental epidemic model with control interventions. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals.2021, 146:110885.

5. Yang Hong, Jin Zhen. Stochastic SIS Epidemic Model on Network with Levy Noise. Stochastic analysis and applications, 2021, doi: 10.1080/07362994.2021.1930051.

6. Sun G Q, Liu S M, Li L, Li J, Jin Z. Nonlocal Interaction Induces the Self-organized Mussel Beds, Journal of Nonlinear Modeling and Analysis, 2021, 3(4): 1-30.

7. Sun Guiquan, Zhang Hongtao, Wang Jinshan, Li Jing, Wang Yi, Li Li, Wu Yongping, Feng Guolin Jin Zhen. Mathematical modeling and mechanisms of pattern formation in ecological systems: a review, Nonlinear Dynamic. 2021, 104:1677-1696.

8. Yihao Huang, Jing Li, Juan Zhang, Zhen Jin. Dynamical analysis of the spread of African swine fever with the live pig price in China. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2021, 18(6):8123-8148.

9. Xiao-Feng Luo, Zhen Jin, Daihai He, Li Li. The impact of contact patterns of sexual networks on Zika virus spread: A case study in Costa Rica. Applied Mathematics and Computation.2021, 393:125765.

10. Ran Zhang, Lili Liu, Xiaomei Feng, Zhen Jin. Existence of traveling wave solutions for a diffusive tuberculosis model with fast and slow progression. Applied Mathematics Letters, 2021, 112:106848.

11. Jiawen Hou, Jie Hong, Boyun Ji, Bowen Dong, Yue Chen, Michael P Ward, Wei Tu, Zhen Jin, Jian Hu, Qing Su, Wenge Wang, Zheng Zhao, Shuang Xiao, Jiaqi Huang, Wei Lin, Zhijie Zhang. Changed transmission epidemiology of COVID-19 at early stage: A nationwide population-based piecewise mathematical modelling study. Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease, 2021,39:101918.


1. Asamoah Joshua Kiddy K, Jin Zhen, Sun Guiquan, Li Michael Y. A deterministic model for q fever transmission dynamics within dairy cattle herds: Using sensitivity analysis and optimal controls. Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, 2020, 2020.

2. Wang Yueming, Jin Zhen. Landau-like quantized levels of neutral atom induced by a dark-soliton shaped electric field. Chinese Physics B, 2020, 29:010303.

3. Zhou Zhidong, Jin Zhen, Jin Jun, Song Haitao. Emergence of scaling in evolving hypernetworks. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2020, 546:123765.

4. Liu Fang, Jin Zhen, Wang Cai-Yun. Global analysis of siri knowledge dissemination model with recalling rate. Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems-S, 2020, 13: 3099.

5. Luo Xiaofeng, Jin Zhen. A new insight into isolating the high-degree nodes in network to control infectious diseases. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2020, 105363.

6. Luo Xiaofeng, Yang Junyuan, Jin Zhen, Li Jia. An edge-based model for non-markovian sexually transmitted infections in coupled network. International Journal of Biomathematics, 2020, 13: 2050014.

7. Asamoah Joshua Kiddy K, Nyabadza Farai, Jin Zhen*, Bonyah Ebenezer, Khan Muhammad Altaf, Li Michael Y, Hayat Tasawar. Backward bifurcation and sensitivity analysis for bacterial meningitis transmission dynamics with a nonlinear recovery rate. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2020, 140: 110237.

8.  Asamoah Joshua Kiddy K, Owusu Mark A, Jin Zhen, Oduro FT, Abidemi Afeez, Gyasi Esther Opoku. Global stability and cost-effectiveness analysis of covid-19 considering the impact of the environment: Using data from ghana. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2020, 140: 110103.

9. Feng Xiaomei, Chen Jing, Wang Kai, Wang Lei, Zhang Fengqin, Jin Zhen, Zou Lan, Wang Xia. Phase-adjusted estimation of the covid-19 outbreak in south korea under multi-source data and adjustment measures: A modelling study. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2020, 17: 3637.

10. Yin Qian, Wang Zhishuang, Xia Chengyi, Dehmer Matthias, Emmert-Streib Frank, Jin Zhen*. A novel epidemic model considering demographics and intercity commuting on complex dynamical networks. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2020, 386: 125517.

11. Sun Guiquan, Wang Shifu, Li Mingtao, Li Li, Zhang Juan, Zhang Wei, Jin Zhen, Feng Guo-Lin. Transmission dynamics of covid-19 in wuhan, china: Effects of lockdown and medical resources. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2020, 101: 1981-1993.

12. Xue Qiang, Sun Guiquan, Liu Chen, Guo Zunguang, Jin Zhen, Wu Yongping, Feng Guolin. Spatiotemporal dynamics of a vegetation model with nonlocal delay in semi-arid environment. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2020, 1-14.

13. Guo Zunguang, Sun Guiquan, Wang Zhen, Jin Zhen, Li Li, Li Can. Spatial dynamics of an epidemic model with nonlocal infection. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2020, 377: 125158.

14. Song Haitao, Li Feng, Jia Zhongwei, Jin Zhen, Liu Shengqiang. Using traveller-derived cases in henan province to quantify the spread of covid-19 in wuhan, china. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2020, 101: 1821-1831.

15. Qi Hong, Li Xiang, Jin Zhen, Simmen Thomas, Shuai Jianwei. The oscillation amplitude, not the frequency of cytosolic calcium, regulates apoptosis induction. iScience, 2020, 23: 101671.

16. Liu Lili, Xu Rui, Jin Zhen. Global dynamics of a spatial heterogeneous viral infection model with intracellular delay and nonlocal diffusion. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2020, 82: 150-167.

17. Chang Lili, Duan Moran, Sun Guiquan, Jin Zhen. Cross-diffusion-induced patterns in an sir epidemic model on complex networks. Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 2020, 30: 013147.

18. 黄森忠, 彭志行, 靳祯. 新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情控制策略研究:效率评估及建议. 中国科学:数学, 2020, 50: 885-898.

19. 方乐恒, 侯嘉文, 来俊杰, 靳祯, 姚烨, 何纳, 甘中学, 林伟*. 基于真实城市地图的新型冠状病毒疫情传播仿真数学模型:计算模拟与防控策略的初试研究. 应用数学学报, 2020, 43: 383-401.

20. 张菊平, 李云, 姚美萍, 张娟, 朱怀平, 靳祯. 武汉市covid-19疫情与易感人群软隔离强度关系分析. 应用数学学报, 2020, 43: 162-173.


1. Cao XiaoChun, Jin Zhen. N-intertwined sis epidemic model with markovian switching. Stochastics Dynamics, 2019.

2. Feng Shanshan, Jin Zhen. Infectious diseases spreading on a metapopulation network coupled with its second-neighbor network. Applied Mathmatics and Computation, 2019, 361: 8797.

3. Jia Junbo, Jin Zhen, Fu Xinchu. Epidemic spread in directed interconnected networks. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2019, 75: 113.

4. Liu Zhuanzhuan, Shen Zhongwei, Wang Hao, Jin Zhen. Analysis of a local diffusive sir model with seasonality and nonlocal incidence of infection. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 2019,79(6):2218-2241.

5.  Lv Jianping, Jin Zhen. Multistrain edge-based compartmental model on networks. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 2019, 42: 15291552.

6. Wang N-N, Jin Zhen, Wang Yajing, Di Zengru. Epidemics spreading in periodic double layer networks with dwell time. Physica A, 2019.

7. Yan Qinling, Tang Sanyi, Jin Zhen, Yanni Xiao. Identifying risk factors of a(h7n9) outbreak by wavelet analysis and generalized estimating equation. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2019.

8. Zhang Xiaoguang, Shan Chunhua, Jin Zhen, Zhu Huaiping. Complex dynamics of epidemic models on adaptive networks. Journal of Differential Equations, 2019, 266: 803832.

9. Guo Zunguang, Li Pengsong, Sun Guiquan, Li Can, Jin Zhen. Pattern dynamics of an sis epidemic model with nonlocal delay. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 2019.

10. Rashid M, Bera S, Banerjee M, Sun Guiquan , Feedforward control of plant nitrate transporter nrt1.1 biphasic adaptive activity. Biophysical Journal, 2019.

11. Tiwari V, Tripathi JP, Abbas S, Sun Guiquan, Jin Zhen. Qualitative analysis of a diffusive crowleymartin predatorprey model: The role of nonlinear predator harvesting. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2019, 98: 11691189.

12. Zhang Juping, Li D, Jing W, Jin Zhen, Transmission dynamics of a two-strain pairwise model with infection age. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2019, 71: 656-672.

13. Yang Junyuan, Jin Zhen, Xu Fei. Threshold dynamics of an age-space structured sir model on heterogeneous environment. Applied Mathematics Letters, 2019, 96: 6974.

14. Zhang Juan, Jin Zhen, Yuan Yuan. Assessing the spread of foot and mouth disease in mainland china by dynamical switching model. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 2019, 460: 209219.

15. Peng Xiaolong, Zhang Zeqiong, Yang Junyun, Jin Zhen. An sis epidemic model with vaccination in a dynamical contact network of mobile individuals with heterogeneous spatial constraints. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2019, 73: 5273.

16. Chang Lili*, Liu Chen, Sun Guiquan, Jin Zhen. Delay-induced patterns in a predatorprey model on complex networks with diffusion. New Journal of Physics, 2019.

17. Duan M, Chang Lili, Jin Zhen. Turing patterns of an si epidemic model with cross-diffusion on complex networks. Physica A, 2019.

18. 张菊平,郭昊明,荆文君,靳祯.基于真实信息传播者的谣言传播模型的动力学分析.物理学报,2019,150501-150501.


1. Jing Wenjun, Jin Zhen, Zhang Juping. Low-dimensional SIR epidemic models with demographics on heterogeneous networks. Journal of Systems Science & Complexity, 2018, 31: 1103-1127.

2.  Li Jinxian, Li Weiqiang, Jin Zhen. The epidemic model based on the approximation for third-order motifs on networks. Mathematical Biosciences, 2018, 297: 12-26.

3. Pan Wei, Jin Zhen. Edge-based modeling of computer virus contagion on a tripartite graph. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2018, 320: 282-291.

4. Wang Lulu, Jin Zhen, Wang Hao. A switching model for the impact of toxins on the spread of infectious diseases. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 2018, 77: 1093-1115.

5. Zhang Shujuan, Jin Zhen, Zhang Juan. The dynamical modeling analysis of the spreading of passive worms in P2P networks. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2018.

6. Zhan Xiu-Xiu, Liu Chuang, Zhou Ge, Zhang Zi-Ke, Sun Gui-Quan, Zhu Jonathan J. H., Jin Zhen. Coupling dynamics of epidemic spreading and information diffusion on complex networks. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2018, 332: 437-448.

7. Liu Guirong, Liu Zhimei, Jin Zhen. Dynamics analysis of epidemic and information spreading in overlay networks. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 2018, 444: 28-37.

8. Li Jinxian, Wang Jing, Jin Zhen. SIR dynamics in random networks with communities. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 2018, 77: 1117-1151.

9. Sun Gui-Quan, Wang Cui-Hua, Chang Li-Li, Wu Yong-Ping, Li Li, Jin Zhen. Effects of feedback regulation on vegetation patterns in semi-arid environments. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2018, 61: 200-215.

10. Zhang Juping, Jing Wenjun, Zhang Wenyi, Jin Zhen. Avian influenza a (H7N9) model based on poultry transport network in China. Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, 2018, 7383170.

11. Zhang Juping, Yang Chan, Jin Zhen, Li Jia. Dynamics analysis of SIR epidemic model with correlation coefficients and clustering coefficient in networks. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 2018, 449: 1-13.

12. Zhang Juping, Jin Zhen, Zhu Huaiping. Birds movement impact on the transmission of west nile virus between patches. Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation, 2018, 8: 443-456.

13. Zhang Juan, Jin Zhen, Yuan Yuan. Assessing the spread of foot and mouth disease in mainland China by dynamical switching model. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 2018, 460: 209-219.

14. Chang Lili, Jin Zhen. Efficient numerical methods for spatially extended population and epidemic models with time delay. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2018, 316: 138-154.


1. Li, M.T., Jin, Z., Sun, G.Q., and Zhang, J. (2017). Modeling direct and indirect disease transmission using multi-group model. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 446, 1292-1309.

2. Li, M.T., Sun, G.Q., Zhang, W.Y., and Jin, Z. (2017). Model-Based Evaluation of Strategies to Control Brucellosis in China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 14.

3. Pei, X., Zhan, X.X., and Jin, Z. (2017). Application of pair approximation method to modeling and analysis of a marriage network. Applied Mathematics and Computation 294, 280-293.

4. Li, J., Jin, Z., Sun, G.Q., and Song, L.P. (2017). Pattern dynamics of a delayed eco-epidemiological model with disease in the predator. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-Series S 10, 1025-1042.

5. Li, S., and Jin, Z. (2017). Impacts of cluster on network topology structure and epidemic spreading. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-Series B 22, 3749-3770.

6. Luo, X., Chang, L., and Jin, Z. (2017). Demographics induce extinction of disease in an sis model based on conditional markov chain. Journal of Biological Systems 25, 145-171.

7. Sun, G.-Q., Xie, J.H., Huang, S.-H., Jin, Z., Li, M.-T., and Liu, L. (2017). Transmission dynamics of cholera: Mathematical modeling and control strategies. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 45, 235-244.

8. Xing, Y., Song, L., Sun, G.-Q., Jin, Z., and Zhang, J. (2017). Assessing reappearance factors of H7N9 avian influenza in China. Applied Mathematics and Computation 309, 192-204.

9. Liu, L., Ren, X., and Jin, Z. (2017). Threshold dynamical analysis on a class of age-structured tuberculosis model with immigration of population. Advances in Difference Equations 2017, 258.

10. Zhang, J., Jin, Z, Li, L., and Sun, X.-D. (2017). Cost assessment of control measure for brucellosis in Jilin province, China. Chaos Solitons & Fractals 104, 798-805.

11. Zhang, X., Zhang, C., and Jin, Z. (2017). Structure of growing complex networks coupling with the friendship and contact relations. Chaos Solitons & Fractals 104, 758-765.

12. Yang, J., Jin, Z., Wang, L., and Xu, F. (2017). A note on an age-of-infection SVIR model with nonlinear incidence. International Journal of Biomathematics 10.

13. Yang, J., Martcheva, M., and Jin, Z. (2017). Chaotic effects on disease spread in simple eco-epidemiological system. Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation 7, 1161-1176.

14. Yin, Z., Qi, H., Liu, L., and Jin, Z. (2017). The optimal regulation mode of Bcl-2 apoptotic switch revealed by bistability analysis. Biosystems 162, 44-52.

15. Gou, W., & Jin, Z. (2017). How heterogeneous susceptibility and recovery rates affect the spread of epidemics on networks. Infectious Disease Modelling, 2(3), 353-367.


1. Zhu HM, Zhang ST, Jin Z. The effects of online social networks on tacit knowledge transmission. Physica a-Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, 2016(441):192-8.

2. Zhang RX, Jin Z, Li SP. Epidemic Spreading with Time Delay on Complex Networks. Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica-English Series, 2016, 32(2):319-26.

3. Sun GQ, Wu ZY, Wang Z, Jin Z. Influence of isolation degree of spatial patterns on persistence of populations. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2016, 83(1-2):811-9.

4. Liang JX, Liu LL, Jin Z. A reaction-diffusion-advection logistic model with a free boundary in heterogeneous environment. Boundary Value Problems. 2016 Jul.

5. Li L, Jin Z, Li J. Periodic solutions in a herbivore-plant system with time delay and spatial diffusion. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2016, 40(7-8):4765-77.

6. Hu JH, Xue YK, Sun GQ, Jin Z, Zhang J. Global dynamics of a predator-prey system modeling by metaphysiological approach. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2016, 283:369-84.

7. Han W, Jin Z. Life-span of classical solutions to two dimensional fully nonlinear wave equations. Journal of Functional Analysis, 2016, 270(11):4087-116.

8. Cao B, Han SH, Jin Z. Modeling of knowledge transmission by considering the level of forgetfulness in complex networks. Physica a-Statistical Mechanics and Its Application, 2016, 451:277-87.

9. Peng XL, Xu XJ, Small M, Fu XC, Jin Z. Prevention of infectious diseases by public vaccination and individual protection[J]. Journal of mathematical biology, 2016: 1-34.


1. Zhang RX, Li DY, Jin Z. Dynamic analysis of a delayed model for vector-borne diseases on bipartite networks. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2015(263):342-52.

2. Xia ZQ, Wang SF, Li SL, Huang LY, Zhang WY, Sun GQ, Gai ZT, Jin Z. Modeling the transmission dynamics of Ebola virus disease in Liberia. Scientific Reports. 2015 Sep;5.

3. Wu QC, Fu XC, Jin Z, Small M. Influence of dynamic immunization on epidemic spreading in networks. Physica a-Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications. 2015, 419:566-74.

4. Wang Z, Zhao DW, Wang L, Sun GQ, Jin Z. Immunity of multiplex networks via acquaintance vaccination. Epl. 2015, 112(4).

5. Sun GQ, Jin Z. How to identify the most effective control measures based on disease-behavior coupled mechanisms? Comment on "Coupled disease-behavior dynamics on complex networks: A review" by Z. Wang et al. Physics of Life Reviews. 2015(15):30-1.

6.  Pan W, Sun GQ, Jin Z. How demography-driven evolving networks impact epidemic transmission between communities. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 2015(382):309-19.

7. Lou J, Zhou HN, Liang D, Jin Z, Song BJ. The coupled within- and between-host dynamics in the evolution of hiv/aids in china. Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation. 2015, 5(4):731-50.

8. Li SP, Jin Z. Dynamic modeling and analysis of sexually transmitted diseases on heterogeneous networks. Physica a-Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications. 2015(427):192-201.

9. Li L, Jin Z, Yuan SL, Wang KF, Medvinsky AB, Li BL. Nonlinear Dynamics in Epidemic Systems. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society. 2015.

10. Chen J, Zou L, Jin Z, Ruan SG. Modeling the Geographic Spread of Rabies in China. Plos Neglected Tropical Diseases. 2015, 9(5).

11. Chang LL, Sun GQ, Wangb Z, Jin Z. Rich dynamics in a spatial predator-prey model with delay. Applied Mathematics and Computation. 2015(256):540-50.


1. Zhang XG, Song R, Sun GQ, Jin Z. Global Dynamics of Infectious Disease with Arbitrary Distributed Infectious Period on Complex Networks. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society. 2014.

2. Sun GQ, Chakraborty A, Liu QX, Jin Z, Anderson KE, Li BL. Influence of time delay and nonlinear diffusion on herbivore outbreak. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. 2014, 19(5):1507-18.

3. Nie J, Sun GQ, Sun XD, Zhang J, Wang N, Wang YM, Shen CJ, Huang BX, Jin Z. Modeling the transmission dynamics of dairy cattle brucellosis in jilin province, china. Journal of Biological Systems. 2014, 22(4):533-54.

4. Luo XF, Zhang XG, Sun GQ, Jin Z. Epidemical dynamics of SIS pair approximation models on regular and random networks. Physica a-Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications. 2014(410):144-53.

5. Li SP, Jin Z. Modeling and Analysis of New Products Diffusion on Heterogeneous Networks. Journal of Applied Mathematics. 2014.

6. Li MT, Sun GQ, Wu YF, Zhang J, Jin Z. Transmission dynamics of a multi-group brucellosis model with mixed cross infection in public farm. Applied Mathematics and Computation. 2014(237):582-94.

7. Li L, Bai YP, Jin Z. Periodic solutions of an epidemic model with saturated treatment. Nonlinear Dynamics. 2014, 76(2):1099-108.

8. Li J, Sun GQ, Jin Z. Pattern formation of an epidemic model with time delay. Physica a-Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications. 2014(403):100-109.

9. Gao QQ, Jin Z. A Time Delay Predator-Prey System with Three-Stage-Structure. Scientific World Journal. 2014.

10. Caijuan Yan, Jia Jianwen, Jin Zhen (2014). Dynamics of an SIR Epidemic Model with Information Variable and Limited Medical Resources Revisited. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2014.

11. Gui-Hua Li, Zhen Jin (2014). Bifurcation Analysis in Models for Vector-Borne Diseases with Logistic Growth. The Scientific World Journal, 2014, 2014.


1. Juping Zhang, Zhen Jin, Yuming Chen, Analysis of sexually transmitted disease spreading in heterosexual and homosexual populations, Math. Biol., 242(2):143-52, 2013.

2.  Qiang Hou, Xiangdong Sun, Juan Zhang, Yongjun Liu, Youming Wang, Zhen Jin*, Modeling the transmission dynamics of sheep brucellosis in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China, Math. Biol., 242 (1), 51-58, 2013.

3. Chen Huiqin, Jin Zhen, Kang Shugui, Monotonicity of Eventually Positive Solutions for a Second Order Nonlinear Difference Equation, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society (2013) 635149.

4. Yihong Li, Jinxiao Pan, Lipeng Song, Zhen Jin , The Influence of User Protection Behaviors on the Control of Internet Worm Propagation, Abstract and Applied Analysis, 2013.

5. Li Li, Yanping Bai, Zhen Jin, Periodic solutions of an epidemic model with saturated treatment, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2013.

6. Zhanrong Hu and Zhen Jin, Almost Automorphic Mild Solutions to Neutral Parabolic Nonautonomous Evolution Equations with Nondense Domain, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2013.

7. Shuping Li and Zhen Jin, Global Dynamics Analysis of Homogeneous New Products Diffusion Model, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2013.

8. GQ Sun, Z Bai, ZK Zhang, T Zhou, Z Jin, Positive Periodic Solutions of an Epidemic Model with Seasonality, The Scientific World Journal, 2013.

9. MT Li, GQ Sun, J Zhang, Z Jin Global Dynamic Behavior of a Multigroup Cholera Model with Indirect Transmission, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2013.

10. GQ Sun, L Li, Z Jin, ZK Zhang, T Zhou, Pattern Dynamics in a Spatial Predator-Prey System with Allee Effect. Abstract and Applied Analysis, 2013,113.

11. H Liu, Y Chen, L Zhou, Z Jin, The effects of management on population dynamics of plateau pika, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 2013.