时间:2021-03-04 | 来源:
李瑞娟,教授,毕业于德国亚琛工业大学,获 “博尔歇斯奖章”。
2006年8月–2009年3月,德国亚琛工业大学,博士,Yubao Guo和Hubertus Th. Jongen;
1997年9月–2001年6月,山西大学 学士。
1. 2009年获德国亚琛工业大学“博尔歇斯”奖章
2. 2018年入选山西省“三晋英才”支持计划青年优秀人才
1. 2013级会计学、2018级经济学类 本科生 专业必修 《高等代数》
2. 2016、2017、2018、2019级物理学(国家基地)、光电信息科学与工程、 2017级电气工程及其自动化、新能源、2018级环境科学、自然地理学 本科生 公共必修 《线性代数》
3. 2012级计算机科学与技术、2015级电子信息科学与技术 本科生 公共必修 《高等数学A1》
4. 2014级计算机科学与技术、2015级电子信息科学与技术、2020级自然地理与资源环境、化学类 本科生 公共必修 《高等数学A2》
5. 2013级材料化学、应用化学 本科生 公共必修 《高等数学A3》
6. 2019级物理学(国家基地)、光电信息科学与工程、电子信息科学与技术 本科生 公共必修 《概率论与数理统计》
7. 2019级哲学类 本科生 公共必修 《文科高数》
8. 2013级数学类 本科生 专业必修 《图论基础》
9. 2014级数学类 本科生 专业必修 《经典著作研读》
10. 2015级、2016级、2018级、2019级应用数学 硕士生 专业选修 《有向图》
11. 每年指导2-3篇本科生毕业论文、担任6-7名本科生的导师
1 . Ruijuan Li, Yanqin Cao, Xinhong Zhang, On kernels by rainbow paths in arc-coloured digraph, Open Mathematics, 19 (2021) 268-283.
2 . Ruijuan Li, Juanjuan Liang, Xinhong Zhang, Yubao Guo, Vertex-disjoint cycles in local tournaments, Discrete Mathematics, 343 (2020) 112127.
3 . Ruijuan Li, Bin Sheng, The second neighbourhood for bipartite tournaments, Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory, 39 (2019) 555-565.
4 . Ruijuan Li, Tingting Han, Arc-disjoint hamiltonian cycles in round decomposable locally semicomplete digraphs, Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory, 38(2) (2018) 477-490.
5 . Ruijuan Li, Xiaoting An, Xinhong Zhang, The independence number of the competition graph of a bipartite tournament, Ars Combinatoria, 136 (2018) 235-245.
6 . Ruijuan Li, Bin Sheng, The second neighbourhood for quasi-transitive oriented graphs, Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series, 34(9) (2018) 1391-1402.
7 . Xinhong Zhang, Ruijuan Li, Xiaoting An, The hamiltonicity on the competition graphs of round digraphs, Applied Mathematics - a Journal of Chinese Universities, 33(4) (2018) 409-420.
8 . Ruijuan Li, Tingting Han, Arc-disjoint hamiltonian paths in non-round decomposable local tournaments, Discrete Mathematics, 340(12) (2017) 2916-2924.
9 . Xinhong Zhang, Ruijuan Li, The (1,2)-step competition graph of a pure local tournament that is not round decomposable, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 205 (2016) 180-190.
10 . Ruijuan Li, Xinhong Zhang, Qiaoping Guo, Generalizing Vertex pancyclic and k-ordered graphs, Graphs and Combinatorics, 31 (2015) 1539–1554.
11 . Ruijuan Li, Xinhong Zhang, Shengjia Li, Qiaoping Guo, Yubao Guo, The H-force set of a hypertournament, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 169 (2014) 168-175.
12 . Xinhong Zhang, Ruijuan Li, Shengjia Li, H-force sets of locally semicomplete digraphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 160 (2012) 2491-2496.
13 . Qiaoping Guo, Shengjia Li, Ruijuan Li, The structure of 4-strong tournaments containing exactly three out-arc pancyclic vertices, Journal of Graph Theory, 71(3) (2012) 260-277.
14 . Qiaoping Guo, Shengjia Li, Ruijuan Li, Gaokui Xu, Pancyclic out-arcs of a vertex in oriented graphs, Information Processing Letters, 112 (2012) 759-761.
15 . Ruijuan Li, Shengjia Li, Yubao Guo, Degree conditions on distance 2 vertices that imply k-ordered Hamiltonian, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 158(4) (2010) 331-339.
16 . Ruijuan Li, Shengjia Li, Jinfeng Feng, The number of vertices whose out arcs are pancyclic in a 2-strong tournament, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 156 (2008) 88-92.
17 . Ruijuan Li, Xinhong Zhang, Wei Meng, A sufficient condition for a digraph to be positive-round, Optimization, 57(2) (2008) 345-352.
18 . Shengjia Li, Ruijuan Li, Jinfeng Feng, An efficient condition for a graph to be Hamiltonian, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 155 (2007) 1842-1845.
19 . Jinfeng Feng, Shengjia Li, Ruijuan Li, An s-strong tournament with s≥3 has s vertices whose out-arcs are 4-pancyclic, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 154 (2006) 2609-2612